Saturday, June 9, 2012

Crochet hazards

Ugh. Sometimes when I crochet for a few hours, my arms end up looking like this. My daughter thinks I'm reacting to the dye in the yarn, which could very well be right because it doesn't happen with every yarn every time I work. Still, it's strange. Top photo shows the welts that appeared first; bottom photo shows the residual redness after I took benadryl and slept overnight.

It's actually getting worse today and burning, which has never happened before. (I took another photo but it's too disgusting to post.) I was working with acrylic yarn last night, which certainly is NOT natural fiber... but less expensive than the good stuff like real wool. Sigh. Obviously, I'm gonna need to find a different yarn source ASAP.

I ended up going to urgent care because things were just getting worse too quickly. The doc put me on prednisone for a week. Possible contact dermatitis or some other form of allergic reaction.